S6E26: Mob Combat (Guest Host: Alandra Hileman)
This week, Tiana takes on the solo host role and welcomes Alandra Hileman onto the show to talk about tips and tricks for running mob combat in D&D 5e. We use examples from Phandelver and Below, a campaign Tiana recently wrapped up, to discuss ideas for making the juggling act behind the GM screen as smooth as possible.
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Alandra's itch.io page: https://ladybedivere.itch.io/
Keys from the Golden Vault, GM'd by Alandra, over on Quests and Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLSM6UhQ5Q6LIyy4uUQVV2sAG0MeA-P6t
Phandelver and Below, GM'd by Tiana, over on Quests and Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLSM6UhQ5Q6JF3hrzaTwY8zlbanZ9vWxc